Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chasing birds

It's bird chasing time. Where are my birds?

Did you see the birds? They're so much faster than me..


Snowball said...

I chase birds everyday during my morning walkie too. They are usually faster than I too.


Myeo said...

hi Mico & Aunt Audrey

Baby: I would like to thank the both of you for letting us stay at your place while our evil pawrents went for a holiday. I truly enjoy myself there. The next time if my pawrents decide to dumo me again, i will pack my bag and go to your place only if you dont mind my naughtiness.

Boy: Me also want to thank you for being so tolerant of me. Mama says that i got very bad attitude and asked me to apologize so here I am. I am very sorry if i drive you guys crazy with my whines and if i did snap at you guys. It was never my intention to hurt any one or any dog. I am just a bit insecure cos i cannot see properly.


Boy n Baby