Monday, November 20, 2006

mico - the queen of gy9122h

Normally Mico will ride with me in front on my lap on the passenger seat or at my feet. Put her at the back of the van yesterday and we drove to Mount Faber. Decided to make fun of her and not to let her out. So i pretended to say bye bye and locked her in the car. Dar opened the back door to let her out. she climbed onto the sofa to get out. that was the 1st time she went up the sofa.

On the way home, i looked back to check Mico and discovered that she has climbed up the sofa and seated herself comfortably on the sofa. Somemore already lie down. She looked so relaxed. Just like queen and we are the chauffer and butler. Reminds me of some dog who inherited some fortune from the deseased owner and got servants to look after it.. what a sight. A pity that I did not take any pictures.

She's been barking more often recently at nothing. So i'm taking the opportunity to teach her 'speak"

Heat almost ending. Yeah! This afternoon I squatted on the floor to wipe the stains accumulated for a few days. Back breaking man.

Bought a packet of timberwolf on Sun from the pet shop. Couldn't bear to wait anymore. Have mixed both canidae & timberwolf (with more of canidae though so that my pocket won't hurt too much. Mico is eating better with the mixture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maisy won't dare to go up the sofa cos he knows some drivers like Audrey will JAM BRAKE!